Center for the Study of Political Islam International


The Koran and the Sunna (Mohammed’s perfect pattern for life) are to be followed by all humanity. The problem is that the Koran and the Sunna are not arranged in a way that allows for easy interpretation. The Sharia is the codification of the knowledge of the Koran and Sunna.

Foundation of Sharia

Sharia is frequently called law, Sharia law. However, the Sharia covers much more than legal issues. It also covers theology, prayer, charity and fasting. There is no aspect of life that the Sharia does not cover. It includes sex, how to say hello, and how to prepare a will.

One of the most important things about the Sharia is that it is considered to be Allah’s law and is superior to man-made law and that it should rule over the Kafir, as well as the Muslim. For example, the Islamic community makes demands to change our culture to accommodate the principles of Political Islam when Islamic factory workers demand time off for prayer. During Ramadan fasting, demands are made for Kafirs to not eat in front of their Islamic co-workers. One of the main accommodations to the Sharia is to establish separate courts for family law. The problem is that the accommodation to the Sharia never stops.

The Sharia has different schools of thought that differ on small issues. However, all of the schools agree on the need for jihad and the inferior status of Christians, Jews, atheists and other Kafirs. Kafirs are forbidden by Sharia to contradict or argue about the Koran and the Sunna or criticize Mohammed. Historically, it is the Sharia which annihilates Christianity and other religions.
