Historical Dynamics of the Expansion of Political Islam

Political Islam utilizes the strategy and tactics from Mohammed’s life story as a politician and jihadi that brought him success.

Political Islam turned the Byzantine Empire into a fully Islamic land. The Middle East, Turkey and North Africa used to be Christian, Afghanistan was Buddhist, Pakistan was Hindu, and Iran was Zoroastrian. There are no post-Islamic countries.

There is a growing number of areas in the UK, Belgium, France, and Sweden that emergency services and law enforcement can enter only in exceptional circumstances and heavily armed.
Situation in Canada

The maps above show that the number of Islamic organizations is steadily growing. For this reason, we must understand how they influence non-Islamic societies and learn more about the foundation on which they operate - the Islamic doctrine itself.
What is Happening Now
Islamic doctrine declares its ultimate political vision in many places. Here is one of them:
Sahih Muslim 001,0031Mohammed "I have been commanded to fight against people, till they testify to the fact that there is no god but Allah, and believe in me (that) I am the messenger (from the Lord) and in all that I have brought."
Our Goals
We want to help you understand what the doctrine of Political Islam means for the ideals of our cultures. We are against child marriage, slavery, the abuse of women, and violence against people with other beliefs. We want to ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to live their lives freely, to the fullest, in harmony and respect for one another.
How You Can Understand Political Islam
Islam is a complete civilization, a culture, a religion and a political system. Study the political system as this is what relates to you and your life.
Rely on the results of statistical and qualitative analysis, which can be replicated by anyone anywhere.