The first step in learning about Political Islam is to know the correct words and their precise definitions. The language of Islamic doctrine is dualistic and divides humanity into believers and Kafirs, those who believe Mohammed is the messenger of Allah and those who do not.
Kafir is an actual word the Koran uses for non-Muslims. It is usually translated as unbeliever or infidel, but that translation is imprecise. The word unbeliever is neutral, while the attitude of the Koran towards unbelievers is very negative as it defines the Kafir as hated by Allah. According to Political Islam, a Muslim is never the true friend of a Kafir. Kafirs can be enslaved, raped, beheaded, plotted against, terrorized, and humiliated. A Kafir is not considered to be fully human.
When you read the complete Islamic doctrine of Koran, Sira (the biography of Mohammed), and the Hadith (the traditions of Mohammed), you will find that Islamic doctrine is fixated on the Kafir. Over half of the Koran is about the Kafir. It is the stated purpose of Political Islam to convert, subjugate or annihilate all Kafirs.